The course offers four learning levels and each level is organised into three grades:

Each grade lasts approximately three months and is equivalent to 45 hours of study.


Description of the contents of Parla.cat and how this virtual learning environment works.


The course is offered in two different methods:

Self-managed learning: this allows you to study in a completely autonomous way, as the course materials can be easily accessed.

With a tutor: this allows you to learn with the support of a tutor who will guide and encourage the student. This method offers access to a classroom with communication tools for interaction between the members of the virtual community.

In both methods and at all times, the student will have the resources and help tools that complement the language learning.

The self-managed learning method is free of charge and the method with tutor requires payment.


This test enables students to find out their level of knowledge of Catalan.


To access Parla.cat you must fill in the Access form. Users will receive a password by e-mail which will enable them to enter the virtual learning space as well as to register on either of the two methods the course offers: self-managed learning or with a tutor.


Enrollment in free modality courses can be done at any time. Regarding the courses with tutoring, it is necessary to consult the registration calendar of the organizations that offer them.


This test enables students to find out their level of Catalan. The results give you an idea of your level. For the method with tutor, you must take the test on registering, as this will determine the grade at which the person interested should register.


The self-managed learning method, without a tutor, is free of charge. There is a charge for the tutored mode. To follow a course in the tutored mode it is necessary to contact the organizations that offer it.


Parla.cat does not issue certificates of your level of knowledge of Catalan. However, the content of the courses prepare you for the official examinations held regularly by the Secretariat for Language Policy and the Ramon Llull Institute.


The Virtual Rambla is a space with leisure time and cultural content through which users can access digital media, literature portals, on-line libraries, videos, music, games, etc. and interact in chats and forums with other members of the community.


This search engine's database contains learning and teaching aids for Parla.cat courses broken down by skill. It also includes other kinds of theoretical and practical activities put together from users' own contributions. This handy search engine can be used to help resolve queries on general and specific aspects of the language. In addition, teachers can use the database to create their own tailor-made courses to meet learners' specific needs.


This space lets Catalan teaching professionals edit teaching aids using the resources available on the platform and/or upload their own edited material. They can add their own contributions to the activity search engine and make contact with other professionals and learners using the communication tools. Learners, in turn, can sign up for as many courses as they want and either follow them in full or just do certain activities.